Setting Up The Saxon Transformer Factory Configuration

If the Open-Toolkit-managed Java class path is not used or is not configured correctly for some reason then you must set the Java javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory system property to point to the i18n library's transformer factory.

The value of javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory must be "org.ditacommunity.i18n.saxon.DCI18nSaxonTransformerFactoryImpl91". The DCI18nSaxonTransformerFactoryImpl91 class is in the dita-community-i18n-saxon91.jar jar file in the i18n plugin's lib/ directory. This jar is automatically included in the Open Toolkit's Java class path by the i18n Open Toolkit plugin.

How you set this property depends on how you run the Open Toolkit.

If you are running the Open Toolkit from the command line or in a command environment, such as through a continuous integration server or through a CCMS, you can set an environment variable or you can set the javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory property as part of the Ant command invocation. See setting_the_transformer_factory_for_command_line_use.html.

If you are running the Open Toolkit from oXygenXML you need to modify transformation scenarios to use Saxon 9.1 rather than later versions and set the javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory property. See setting_the_transformer_factory_for_oxygenxml.html.