Deploying the i18n Open Toolkit Plugin

For Open Toolkit 1.8.5:
  1. Expand the plugin Zip file into the Open Toolkit's plugins/ directory so that you have a new directory, org.dita-community.i18n.
  2. Run the Open Toolkit integrator.xml Ant task:
    c:\DITA-OT> ant -f integrator.xml
For Open Toolkit 2.x:
  1. Run the dita command with the -install parameter, specifying the location of the plugin Zip file, which can be downloaded locally or retrieved directly from GitHub:
    c:\DITA-OT> bin\dita -install
    Where version-1.0.0 is the release number of the version you want to get (as far as I can tell GitHub does not provide a "latest" URL for releases).
You can verify that the plugin is correctly installed by running the Ant target "org.dita-community.i18n-xslt-test". You should get output like this:
c:\DITA-OT> ant org.dita-community.i18n-xslt-test

     [echo] Simplified Chinese Test
     [java] Collation report for language 
     [java] Input terms:
     [java] [ 1] Term: "8点40分"
     [java]        Words and pinyin:

: dian3"

: fen4"
     [java] [ 2] Term: "2009年7月6日"
     [java]        Words and pinyin:

: nian2"

: yue4"

: ri4"
Total time: 1 second