Setting the Transformer Factory for oXygenXML

Because oXygenXML uses newer versions of Saxon by default when running the Open Toolkit, in order to use the i18n collator you must reconfigure your transformation scenarios to use Saxon 9.1, to include the i18n Jar in the class path, and to specify the javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory parameter. You will need to do this for any transformation scenario that needs to enable the i18n plugin.

  1. Edit the transformation scenario and move to the Advanced tab.
  2. In the JVM Parameters field add -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=org.ditacommunity.i18n.saxon.DCI18nSaxonTransformerFactoryImpl91
  3. From the Advanced tab, click on the Libraries button to open the Libraries dialog.
  4. In the Libraries dialog, uncheck the Allow <oXygen> to add high-priority libraries to classpath checkbox and answer "Yes" to the "Do you really want to do this" message box.

    The Libraries dialog should be populated with a long list of Jar files.

  5. For Open Toolkit 1.8.5, make the following changes:
    1. Edit the entry for the Saxon jar and change it to "saxon*.jar": "${dita.dir.url}/lib/saxon/saxon*.jar"
    2. Add a new entry for the saxon9-dom jar: "${dita.dir.url}/lib/saxon/saxon9-dom.jar"
    3. Add a new entry: "${dita.dir.url}/plugins/org.dita-community.i18n/lib/*.jar"

    Note that you can't just use "${dita.dir.url}/lib/saxon/saxon*.jar" because it will include jars that then cause other configuration-related failures.

  6. For Open Toolkit 2.x, make the following change:
    1. Add a new entry: "${dita.dir.url}/plugins/org.dita-community.i18n/lib/*.jar"